Christmas Decor: Minimalist Bathrooms

Hello, Everyone! It’s the third week of January and I hope you’ve had more delightful moments than you thought you would! Today, we’re enjoying the beauty of a few minimally decorated-for-Christmas bathrooms (powder rooms). Each bathroom is a beauty and the decor accents of wreaths, plants, Christmas tree statues and miniature Christmas trees are clever minimalist touches.  As we can see bathrooms are another great space to enjoy lovely Christmas Decor in, year-round!

I hope you’ll enjoy viewing these beautiful bathrooms’ decor.  Now, as always, I’m grateful for each of you, all year! Thank-you for being here and enjoying Christmas, so much!

Christmas Decor: Luxe Powder Room

This is one of the most gorgeous. luxurious powder rooms I’ve seen decorated for Christmas. Placing the beautiful garland around that exquisite sink is a unique and elegant touch/accent.  It’s so luxe I plan to mimic this look in my powder room!
